Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Why Vitamin D is good for your Health

You may need more vitamin D than you are getting. The recommended amounts vary depending on your age

Through age 50: 200 IU

Ages 51-70: 400 IU

Ages 71 and up: 600 IU

So you see aging increases our needs for vitamin D.

The NHANES Study reports that 3 out of 4 Americans aren't getting enough vitamin D.

Vitamin D is also known as the Sunshine vitamin since the body makes it naturally when skin is exposed to sunlight. However, people are outside less and when they are out they protect their skin with sun screen which prevents the skin from making vitamin D. Ten to 15 minutes of midday sun with your arms and legs exposed can make enough natural vitamin D to avoid deficiency. However if you live in the north especially during the winter getting enough vitamin D may be a challenge. Also cloudy, rainy days will limit any vitamin D production in the skin.

Where do you get vitamin D?

All milk is fortified with 100 IU per cup. It doesn't matter if it is skim or whole.

3.5 oz Salmon-about 360 IU

3 oz tuna-200 IU

Foods such as cereals and margarine are fortified with D.

What does vitamin D do for you???

We all know it helps the body absorb calcium for stronger bones but it goes beyond that. It could be vitamin D is more important in bone health than or at least just as important as getting adequate calcium.

It may guard against the common cold.

It may boost the immune system.

Vitamin D levels can be checked by your doctor with a simple test. If your levels are low the best type of Vitamin D to get is D3 or cholecalciferol. D3 is the compound formed in the skin when exposed to ultraviolet rays. The body self regulates vitamin D formed in the skin but if you are taking a supplement don't take more than 2000 IU unless your doctor prescribes more. 2,000 IU is the tolerable upper intake level from food or a supplement.

Get your D from the sun or food or a supplement but get your D!

P.S. , supplement Vitamin D with Vitamin C rich Foods.


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